Friday, August 14, 2015

Worldview at the Abbey Update

If you haven't already heard, this coming year I'll be working in Colorado. Here's some information about the program and updated information on support-raising. 

The Abbey in Canon City Colorado houses a Tudor-Gothic styled monastery, a historic home, farmland and beautiful gardens. This Central Coloradan acreage ceased to belong to the Catholic church when it was sold to an independent investor in 2007. Starting in 2014, Worldview Academy rented a portion of this facility and began a college preparatory academic program for seventeen to twenty-two year olds called Worldview at the Abbey. In September, I’ll be working here as resident director.

During two semesters, students prepare for college intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Students completing the program, earn twenty-four credit hours at various Christian colleges throughout the states. Faculty teach literature, history, apologetics, political science and economics. The students actively participate in the learning process spending class time discussing the ideas presented in assigned readings. Students also take part in hands-on service to the community, team-building leadership practicums, Bible studies and prayer.

This program strives to prepare students for college. Abbey graduates will have already read, heard and pondered the foundational ideas behind many pre-requisite college courses. Graduates also will have practiced tools helpful in self-instruction and persuasive communication. In training students to be independent thinkers, to love God with all and to love people self-sacrificially, this academic program proactively equips young men and women to positively impact the college campus and beyond. More information is located at

As resident director, I will mentor the female students and lead a weekly Bible study with them. While living life and seeking Christ with the girls, I will love, encourage and challenge them. Please pray for me, the leadership team I’m joining and the students that are coming. Pray we would have wisdom and discernment, submissive hearts and clear direction, safety and favor.

If you are interested in partnering with me financially, please see below for details. You may contact me for more information about the program and what my role will entail. Also, check my blog for updates. Thank you very much for taking time to read this post.

Funding Specifics-----I have some monthly support! Therefore, these numbers are less than numbers on an earlier post.

This position is volunteer with lodging and two meals/day lasting from September 2015 to May 2016.
In order to cover other living expenses, I now need $500 every month for nine months which is a total of $4,500. All donations to Worldview at the Abbey are tax-deductible. Any amount, whether monthly or one-time would be helpful and appreciated.
If you would like, you may give monthly or one time, and this can be done either online or by mail outlined below.

Mailing Checks
Please, make the check out to Worldview at the Abbey, and write my name in the memo. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know. My contact information is listed below under questions.

Send checks to:
Hannah Sharp
C/O Worldview at the Abbey
2951 E. Hwy 50 
Canon City, CO 81212

Giving Online

·       Click the Donate Button on the right-hand side of the page.
·       You will then be redirected to Paypal where you may select whether you would like to give a monthly or one-time donation and the amount you are giving.
·       To give monthly, select the check box by the words “Make this recurring (monthly)”. To give a one-time donation, leave the box unchecked.

It would be helpful if you would write my name in the notes section of the online donation form. If you have any trouble or questions, please let me know. My contact information is below.


My email address is My phone number is (509) 952-4614, and my mailing address is C/O Worldview at the Abbey 2951 E. Hwy 50 Canon City, CO 81212. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Summer 2015 Worldview Academy

Summer 2015. What a summer it has been. We traveled from Oklahoma to Missouri, then Texas, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia and finally to Eastern Pennsylvania. Each week a new crew of high school students would join us, and we had the privilege to see God work in their lives that week. They heard truth. They saw grace. Many of them went home knowing aspects of their lives that needed to change in order to live more consistent with a biblical worldview.

During evangelism on Wednesdays, they looked into the eyes of people who saw the world in stark contrast to our students' worldview, and the students returned to campus with more compassion for the people "out there." During our staff versus students Frisbee game, the students put into practice the five pillars of leadership--attitude, meekness, integrity, empowerment, vision--as they organized themselves into teams where all who wanted to be included were included and exerted themselves physically displaying positive attitudes in the midst of marked defeat continuing to encourage one another. Thursday night the students and staff would sit together and were led to share what this week meant to them individually, singing worship songs intermittently. Each week we were reminded that God was at work in students' lives.

As the summer came to a close, it was a pleasure to watch our staff team work as a team. They had learned to work well together, to accomplish tasks well, to encourage each other, to enjoy camp together. Together, we laughed deep and much this summer. Together, we prayed for wisdom, for encouragement, for help in the midst of exhausting and difficult circumstances. Together, we saw God work through our weakness, and to Him we are very thankful. Summer 2015. A summer full of life, real life--a glimpse of heaven.

The picture above is of our team the second to last week of camp which is missing some key people who served the first three weeks on our team.